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Problems With Dawnguard


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When Dawnguard finally became available for PC, I jumped at the chance to install it. I went into the quest line completely blind, so I didn't know what to expect. I noticed to rather large bugs that make me unable to advance though. First, is that the animation for the crossbows is broken so people hold it and animate as if they're unarmed, as I do too, making it unable to fire when both myself and an NPC wield them. The second bug is rather large and I need a solution for; when a Vampire Lord, I can't land on the ground. I'm stuck in the tutorial keep because the instructions can't advance since I'm unable to cease flight. The first bug, I can live with to a point, but I can't deal with not being able to finish my vampire playthrough. Are there any ideas whether it could be a mod I have installed or possibly that I was a vampire already when he made me into a Vampire Lord?
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