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Easy recolor request


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Hi everyone,


A few days ago, I got the idea of recoloring the Viva Las Vegas suit, worn by The King. This is because the ingame suit doesn't quite match the suit he wears on the King of Spades card of the Collectors Edition.

pic: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110208234861/fallout/images/5/5a/King_of_Spades.jpg


So I tried to recolor his suit, making it the right colors, but I didn't succeed. (it was my first try and it was pretty confusing). So that's why I'm asking you guys from the NexusForums.

I wanted to recolor the jacket white, the shirt underneath a bit light blue and the pants black. I may want to have the shoes white, but I'm not sure if that would look good. If it's not, just keep it black.


I always wanted to play the game in style with a nice suit, and I think this recolor can really achieve that, if it is done by people who know what they're doing.


If someone could help me, I'd appreciate it a lot.


[edit]: if someone takes this request, please make it stand alone clothing, not replacing the original Viva Las Vegas clothing.

Edited by Matrelith
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  • 9 months later...

Wow this mod is awesome, very cool of you to just make it like that lol. I have been looking for something like this for ages, Not even sure if possible, but I was thinking of going into the geck myself and making a bunch of different Viva Las Vegas suits with different color combinations but I have a feeling it wouldnt end well :P, anyway the new VIva Las Vegas is very cool and I have installed it for my game

Edited by AllenBlack
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