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[LE] Problem with Workers :c ! - Help [3]

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Hey... i have problem xD

and i don't even except answer in this topic cause i need something very hard to do :P


well easy in UE or C++ or Java but insane in CK xD

- Maybe cause of my knowledge in CK :P



ok... now im working on Production building in my Mod and...

Player in one building can Buy Space for Workers for example

House have 3 Loding for 3 Workers


and those 3 Spaces for workers can be spend for ppl who do one of possible jobs

for example:

- Guard ( our produciton buildings may be attacked )

( about this i will create new Topic soon cause all i can do is Spawn Enemy unit on XMarker :P )

- Miner ( working in Mine :P )

- Hunter ( worknig in Forest )

- Craftmaster ( making Special Items )


And for example we want to have 1 Guard and 2 Miners

Player choice NPC and send them to work...


i know i can use AiPackages to do it but normaly i was doing only

Packages to Simulate NPC Living in World


Static Packages are not so hard like "Dynamic" Packages :P




Any idea how can i do it ? :P

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Sry 4 Double post but i want answer :tongue:

and im not sure Forum will show evey1 this Topic as Unreaded if i only edit it :tongue:



cause my ideas are pretty stupid so probably no1 can help me so i was looking all time for help

and i think i can do it by script... woho its gonna be long script xD


but i found something like this:



and LOL GJ to sm1 who write those tutorials... they are so useless...

Copy Paste from CK Wiki...

Function MoveToPackageLocation() native

Return Value

; Enable JonPaul and move him immediately to the location for his current package.
; Note that the Enable has to come first.
This is mainly intended for use immediately after Enable, in cases where we want an actor to appear at its package location, rather than its editor location.

But WHY i have to Enable NPC first?

im gonna break Game again if i use MoveToPackageLocation without Enable b4?



cause i don't wanna break my mod again T_T

most of my mods crash my game from time to time xD


cause of my stupid function uses :D


btw. im still not sure why should i use Mod Instead of SetValue but ok... im using Mod you Forum told me to use Mod xD

lol xDDDD




this Creation Kit Wiki is INSANE good... wow


6 almost empty lines = good tutorial



this what i paste on top of this post i WHOLE PAGE of Creation Wiki...

w8... that 14 lines of text including Note , Example , Syntax etc.

Edited by TobiaszPL
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The CK wiki pages are not, generally, intended as tutorials; they're meant as reference pages once you've got a handle on things, not to teach you all the bits. Unless they actively say 'tutorial', at least.


In your example, the actor needs to be enabled first, because disabled actors don't run packages, and so trying to move it to its package location is referring to a thing that doesn't exist.



As for the OP, what you'd want could be a Quest or set of Quests with aliases, three for each job type. You can use those aliases to add the appropriate Packages to any actor that fills them, which you would control through scripts, presumably triggered by dialogue.


Alternatively, you could just have three aliases, one for each worker, and have the full set of packages added to each one. Then, set up factions for each job you want (Miner, Guard, etc), condition the packages so that they only run if the worker is in the appropriate faction, and control what factions each has by script.

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** Skip to Short Version PLS ! **

or read idc xD



Nah... im writing Worker Engine :)


im not good with Quests and all i can do in quest is

" Go here " " Kill Him " " Find This "


but with scripts im much better... lel xD

i just was w8ing too long :P




but here is my other Question... how about Script Attached to NPC with RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime?


normaly i was using UnregisterForUpdateGameTime on Event OnCellDetach

and hope it was stoping this RegisterForSiggoings ....



but if i left NPC with this Script it will be fine?


and other Question... what if any player got perfect idea to make 1000 workers?

we will have 1000 scripts refreshing each hour... it may crash game? :P


event better cause i want to add little Sims in Skyrim :)

so NPC will become Hungry Thrist Tired etc. so they will go back to home if needed :P


also they will earn gold from player for work so yeee...


registerfor 30 sec update may be bad idea :P

but best option xD i can move NPCs without AiPackages and im gonna try it :D !



this would be INSANE great idea if NPC have to keep his stats in good state even better if he have Family :D wow


not only Player Buy / Sell stuff but NPC too :D


lel... that only one part of my mod :)

maybe thats why my mods always crash game xD


but no1 is hurt cause only 100/200 ppl are allowed to download my mods and then its deleted so i dont care about crashes xD

sometimes even faster admins delete my mods xDDDD




sry 4 my potato english xD



ok Short version:

1) Register for Update, how about this? safe with 200+ W8ing Updates each 30 sec?

2) Event OnUpdate() will work even if player is not in cell ? or in this same world ?

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You asked: "Event OnUpdate() will work even if player is not in cell ? or in this same world ?"

YES! That makes it complicated to find out, why (the hell) game is sometimes crashing immediately after player is fast travelling.


About your first posting, I absolutely agree with foamyesque: "the actor needs to be enabled first, because disabled actors don't run packages, and so trying to move it to its package location is referring to a thing that doesn't exist."


next file is part of quest MS11, if you read the code, you'll see there is no enable before, that could be the reason why this quest is so squishy.



Scriptname MS11CheatStalkTriggerScript extends ObjectReference  

Quest Property MS11 auto
Scene Property MS11KillScene auto

ReferenceAlias Property Calixto auto
ReferenceAlias Property Victim auto

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActivator)
    if (akActivator == Game.GetPlayer() && (MS11 as MS11QuestScript).SiegeOfWindhelmTakingPlace == False)
        if (MS11KillScene.IsPlaying())




anothe sample is a Hearthfire script:

BYOHKidsAttendWeddingMarker original


Scriptname BYOHKidsAttendWeddingMarker extends ObjectReference
{Script on a marker in the Temple of Mara. Make sure adopted children attend the players wedding and return home safely.}

Quest property BYOHRelationshipAdoption Auto
ReferenceAlias property Child1 Auto
ReferenceAlias property Child2 Auto
Quest property RelationshipMarriageWedding Auto
ReferenceAlias property PlayerWitness01 Auto
ReferenceAlias property PlayerWitness02 Auto
ObjectReference property PlayerWitnessMarker02 Auto
ObjectReference property PlayerWitnessMarker03 Auto
bool kidsMovedForCeremony = False

Event OnCellAttach()
    ;Is the player about to get married?
    if (RelationshipMarriageWedding.GetStage() >= 10 && RelationshipMarriageWedding.GetStage() < 200)
        ;Debug.Trace("It's your Wedding Day!")
        ;Does the player have children?
        if (BYOHRelationshipAdoption.IsRunning())
            ;Debug.Trace("Your kids are coming to your Wedding! How nice!")
            ;If the player has adopted a child, force them into the PlayerWitness01 alias. Kick the old Witness03 back to their regularly-scheduled behavior.
            Actor oldWitness = PlayerWitness01.GetActorRef()
            if (PlayerWitness01.GetActorRef().GetAV("Variable07") > 0)
                if (PlayerWitness01.GetActorRef().GetAV("Variable07") == 6 || PlayerWitness01.GetActorRef().GetAV("Variable07") == 7)
                    (BYOHRelationshipAdoption as BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript).BreakNameCalling(False, None)
                    PlayerWitness01.GetActorRef().SetAV("Variable07", 0)
                (BYOHRelationshipAdoption as BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript).ForcegreetEventReady = False
            if (oldWitness != None)
                ;Debug.Trace("Child1 displaces " + oldWitness)
            ;If the player has adopted two children, force the second child into the PlayerWitness02 alias. Kick the old Witness02 back to their regularly-scheduled behavior.\
            if (Child2.GetActorRef() != None)
                oldWitness = PlayerWitness02.GetActorRef()
                if (PlayerWitness02.GetActorRef().GetAV("Variable07") > 0)
                    PlayerWitness02.GetActorRef().SetAV("Variable07", 0)
                if (oldWitness != None)
                    ;Debug.Trace("Child1 displaces " + oldWitness)
            ;Schedule the children to move back home when possible.
            kidsMovedForCeremony = True

Event OnCellDetach()
    if (kidsMovedForCeremony)
        Debug.Trace("Now queuing move to: " + (BYOHRelationshipAdoption as BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript).newHome)
        (BYOHRelationshipAdoption as BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript).QueueMoveFamily((BYOHRelationshipAdoption as BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript).newHome, True)




BYOHKidsAttendWeddingMarker changed a bit


Scriptname BYOHKidsAttendWeddingMarker extends ObjectReference
{v1.4a ReDragon 2019}    ; runs on a marker in the Temple of Mara.
; Make sure adopted children attend the players wedding and return home safely.

; https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=MoveToPackageLocation_-_Actor

  Quest PROPERTY BYOHRelationshipAdoption    auto
  Quest PROPERTY RelationshipMarriageWedding auto

  ReferenceAlias PROPERTY Child1 auto
  ReferenceAlias PROPERTY Child2 auto
  ReferenceAlias PROPERTY PlayerWitness01 auto
  ReferenceAlias PROPERTY PlayerWitness02 auto

  ObjectReference PROPERTY PlayerWitnessMarker02 auto
  ObjectReference PROPERTY PlayerWitnessMarker03 auto

  Bool kidsMovedForCeremony = False            ; [default=False]

; -- EVENTs -- 2

EVENT OnCellAttach()
IF BYOHRelationshipAdoption.IsRunning()
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    player does not have children
    int i = RelationshipMarriageWedding.GetCurrentStageID()

IF (i < 10) || (i >= 200)
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    player is not ready to get married /or/ already married
    kidsMovedForCeremony = TRUE        ; Schedule the children to move back home when possible.

EVENT OnCellDetach()
IF ( kidsMovedForCeremony )
    BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript ps = BYOHRelationshipAdoption as BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript
    ps.QueueMoveFamily(ps.newHome, TRUE)

; -- FUNCTIONs -- 2

FUNCTION myF_Action()
    actor aRef                                                ;* aRef = oldWitness
; If the player has adopted a child, force them into the PlayerWitness01 alias.
; Kick the old Witness01 back to their regularly-scheduled behavior.

    aRef = PlayerWitness01.GetActorReference()                ; **  store current Ref of Witness01
    PlayerWitness01.ForceRefTo( Child1.GetReference() )
    myF_Move(PlayerWitness01, PlayerWitnessMarker02, 1)

    IF ( aRef )
        ; instruction order has been changed by ReDragon 2019/04/01
        aRef.MoveToMyEditorLocation()       ; 1
        aRef.EvaluatePackage()              ; 3
        aRef.MoveToPackageLocation()        ; 2

; If the player has adopted two children, force the second child into the PlayerWitness02 alias.
; Kick the old Witness02 back to their regularly-scheduled behavior.
IF Child2.GetActorReference()
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    player does not have a second child adopted
    aRef = PlayerWitness02.GetActorReference()                ; **  store current Ref of Witness02
    PlayerWitness02.ForceRefTo( Child2.GetReference() )
    myF_Move(PlayerWitness02, PlayerWitnessMarker03, 2)

    IF ( aRef )
        ; instruction order has been changed by ReDragon 2019/04/01
        aRef.MoveToMyEditorLocation()       ; 1
        aRef.EvaluatePackage()              ; 3
        aRef.MoveToPackageLocation()        ; 2

FUNCTION myF_Move(ReferenceAlias RA, ObjectReference mRef, Int i)
    actor aRef = RA.GetActorReference()        ; child1 or child2

; instruction order has been changed by ReDragon 2019/04/01
    aRef.Disable()                           ; 3
    aRef.MoveTo(mRef)                        ; 1
    aRef.Enable()                            ; 5
    aRef.EvaluatePackage()                   ; 2
    aRef.MoveToPackageLocation()             ; 4
    aRef.EvaluatePackage()                   ; 6  maybe this is useless here !?

    float f = aRef.GetActorValue("Variable07")
IF (f <= 0)
    RETURN    ; - STOP -    special actor value of children is already Zero or negative
IF (i == 1)
    aRef.SetActorValue("Variable07", 0)
    RETURN    ; - STOP - child02
;--------------------- child01 from here
    IF (f == 6) || (f == 7)
        (BYOHRelationshipAdoption as BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript).BreakNameCalling(False, None)
        aRef.SetActorValue("Variable07", 0)
    (BYOHRelationshipAdoption as BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript).ForcegreetEventReady = False



Edited by ReDragon2013
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Quests don't need to be actual quests; they're used to do all sorts of other things.


Aliases are by far the most flexible, fastest, and most powerful way to find objects in Skyrim. They're also the safest way to modify things, such as by adding scripts to them or altering the package stack of actors. They're a very potent tool.

Edited by foamyesque
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I don't know how to use Quests...

All i can do with Quests are most simple things like go here kill him etc.




Why my spell activate OnHit Event 2 times in 1 shot ? xD


OnHit fires a lot. It will trigger for anything hitting the object (a spell projectile, a weapon hit, etc), and then for each and every magic effect applied as a result. Concentration spells will do this every tick. What you're seeing is one event from the spell hitting, and another from the magic effect hitting.


As far as quests go, what I'm saying is: It's something worth learning about because it will let you do a lot of useful things.

Edited by foamyesque
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State WaitForPlayer
	Event OnHit( ObjectReference QAgr, Form QSrc, Projectile QPro, bool IsPower, bool IsSneak, bool IsBash, bool IsBlock)
		If ( ( QAgr != QPlayer ) || ( QSrc != QSpell ) )
			Return		; Return :: Bad Spell or Caster
		ElseIf ( IsYour )
			Int QReturn = QBuyMenu.Show( MyCost )
			If( QReturn == 0 )
				QPlayer.RemoveItem( GoldRef , MyCost )
				IsYour = true



its nooooooooooo ohh w8...

i have idea... but can't test it so il will just ask xD


MagicEffect and Spell can be casted at same time???


maybe Magic effect cast his OnHit effect

and Spell cast his OnHit effect xD idk


So maybe

If ( ( QAgr != QPlayer ) || ( QSrc != QSpell as Spell ) )

will work... but like i said can't test it now xD



lel now reading this script i see another misstake xD

what if player don't have enough gold ? :P hehe xD

Edited by TobiaszPL
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Do not think so complicated, make it short and simple.

your sample as follow:

  MiscObject PROPERTY Gold  auto
  Spell   PROPERTY mySpell  auto
  Message PROPERTY QBuyMenu auto

  Int  PROPERTY myCost = 100 auto    ; [default=100]
  Bool IsYour = False

; -- FUNCTION --

FUNCTION ShowMainMenu()

State WaitForPlayer
EVENT OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, Bool IsPower, Bool IsSneak, Bool IsBash, Bool IsBlock)
;IF (akSource as Spell)
IF (akSource == mySpell as Form)
    RETURN    ; - STOP - /1    not affected by this spell (property declaration)
IF (akAggressor == Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReference)
    RETURN    ; - STOP - /2    was not hit by the player
IF ( IsYour )
    RETURN    ; - STOP - /3
IF (akAggressor.GetITemCount(Gold) < myCost)
    Debug.Notification("Not enough gold!")
    RETURN    ; - STOP - /4
    IF (QBuyMenu.Show(myCost) == 0)    ; Zero depends on options [Yes/No] or [No/Yes], one has 0 the other has 1 as return value, that you need
        IsYour = TRUE
        akAggressor.RemoveItem(Gold, myCost)
ENDEVENT             ; /5
Edited by ReDragon2013
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