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New game with custom race. Race menu keeps reappearing.


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So, I downloaded some new races for the game. Dryads, Lunari and Tempress as I think they were called. I start up Skyrim, I start a new game, and I create my character, and then when I'm done with the character

I close the race menu and tries to continue. Well, this doesn't really work. I can walk 1-2 meters, then the race menu pops up again, and when I yet again make my adjustments and name my character and close the menu

it takes a second or two, then it's up again.


I can see my downloaded races, I can customize them, but whenever I want to play with them I can't.

If I choose any other "standard" race, however, I can continue and the race menu won't pop up.


What can I do about this problem?


I do have some entry in the mod list called "RaceCompability.esm", but I don't know what it does.


Well, I would really appreciate a solution to my problem.

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