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Halos flood in fallout 4


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We have quite a few halo mods on xbox and pc and I love halo we also have a mod that changes the goul sounds into the flood sounds.. Yet we have no flood model replacements... I don't know how possible it is as I have never made a mod but I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make some flood models for fallout 4 such as combat forms for gouls maybe elite combat forms for glowing gouls and brute forms for the bloated gouls we could even change other creatures into more flood like things if this is possible would we be able to get it on xbox and pc?
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The only way you would find someone willing to do this is if they are invested in the idea as well. Making models is a time sink. That is why it is so rare to find added models on a large scale. Not only would someone need to sink 20+ (for sure +) hours into making the models, they would then have to take time to animate them as well. Which could take another 5-10 hours worth of work. Texturing isn't as hard as you can usually find easy work around and visual tricks to get an effect you want, but that can take 5 hours too if your doing it well.

Yes it can be done, yes you could even port it to XBox ONE as well, but the work it would take is extremely daunting.

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