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quit to desktop crash


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Hi, i recently unistalled my 'Kill every NPC' mod in Skyrim. upon loading menu i recieved a message which told me that there were missing files and the game may not load, then it crashed to the desktop. i went back into mod manager and reactivated the mod and everything seemed to work right, no error messages. Somewere through the loading process the game just quit to the desktop. Please help!! Edited by drdiemz
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Hi, i recently unistalled my 'Kill every NPC' mod. upon loading menu i recieved a message which told me that there were missing files and the game may not load, then it crashed to the desktop. i went back into mod manager and reactivated the mod and everything seemed to work right, no error messages. Somewere through the loading process the game just quit to the desktop. Please help!!


It can be for dozens of different reasons. Mod conflicts, sound error, video errors. I get drops to desktop very often. The crash utilities should help narrow it down, disable all mods, but oblivion master. Then enable one at a time until you find the one. It's slow, but it will help you find the problem.








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