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How Would i go about doing this?


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i'm working with tweeking the Grand Vampire Expirence for mysellf and i want the Force Infection spell to be another power added to the player apone becoming a vampire. the VampireScript has me totally confused and i don't want to screw it up so i am asking for so em help here. i was wondering how to navigate the script or apply a script that addes the spell if GetVampire = 1
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All of the Vampire powers are added/removed via VampireScript, and I don't know much of anything about the Grand Vampire Experience...


To elaborate on the quest-thing, though...

Create a new quest (Character/Quests, right-click on the list on the left and select "New"). For the purposes of this tutorial, it will be called MyVampireAbilityQuest, but feel free to call it whatever you want. Check the Start Game Enabled box, and add a condition saying "GetIsPlayableRace == 1". (You can just copy and pase it from any other quest, if you want)

Now, head to the script editor (Gameplay/Scripts). Create a new script and set the drop-down box above the text editor to Quest. The actual script should go something like...


scn MyVampireAbilityQuestScript
short IsVampire

Begin GameMode
 if (IsVampire == 0 && player.GetVampire == 1)
	  player.AddSpell WhateverForceInfectionIsCalledSpell
	  set IsVampire to 0
 elseif (IsVampire == 1 && player.GetVampire == 0)
	  player.RemoveSpell WhateverForceInfectionIsCalledSpell
	  set IsVampire to 0


Go back to your Quest and set the Script drop-down box to MyVampireAbilityQuestScript.

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