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Dawnguard Spoiler - Enthrall the Dawnguard.


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Near the end of the Vampire miscellaneous quest line, you destroy most of the Dawnguard. I suggest instead of destroying them, you enthrall them; what better way for a group of vampires to maintain secrecy and anonymity than having the only organized vampire hunting organization under your thumb?


During the quest you cast Vampire Seduction and feed on each member in turn. Following the quest and reporting back to the quest assigner at Castle Volkihar, the Dawnguard castle and exterior cells reset, and all members resume their normal routine and dialog as if you were a member of the Dawnguard, opening up all miscellaneous quests, new items/spells ect therein.


I saw someone post something like this awhile back, hopefully a talented modder can make this, because I think it's an awesome idea :D

Edited by Jaasce
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Check out Brehanin's Better Vampires: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9717


Part of the mod allows you to create thralls. Using an ability called Praestare Sanguin prior to Seduction and feeding, you'll turn the person you feed on into a thrall. If possible, they'll also become a follower (which, of course, you can have sent back 'home' to the fort)


From my understanding, it also adds them to your faction, or you to theirs. I'm not sure how, but it modifies it in a conflict-friendly way that makes them basically loyal to you and your faction.


Using this, you can do exactly as you like. Turn the entire Fort Dawnguard into your own army of thralls.

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Check out Brehanin's Better Vampires: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9717


Part of the mod allows you to create thralls. Using an ability called Praestare Sanguin prior to Seduction and feeding, you'll turn the person you feed on into a thrall. If possible, they'll also become a follower (which, of course, you can have sent back 'home' to the fort)


From my understanding, it also adds them to your faction, or you to theirs. I'm not sure how, but it modifies it in a conflict-friendly way that makes them basically loyal to you and your faction.


Using this, you can do exactly as you like. Turn the entire Fort Dawnguard into your own army of thralls.


That won't accomplish the desired effect at all. The goal is to have them resume their normal schedule as if you were a Dawnguard member and open up Dawnguard sidequests, merchants, ect. Replacing the quest Destroy the Dawnguard, and enabling you to do the quests for enhanced crossbows, bolts, Dawnguard weaponry, and use their training and merchant services.

Edited by Celestros
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Potentially, but I have a feeling you wouldn't be able to do any sidequests. I imagine there are triggers within those requiring certain progress along the Dawnguard side of the main quest line, and ONLY the Dawnguard side. You would have to add an exception to each sidequest for having completed the quest "Enthrall the Dawnguard", which would replace "Destroying the Dawnguard".


I haven't worked with quests myself, otherwise I might monkey with it, but I know I'd screw something terribly up.

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