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Updating an existing abandoned mod


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I've downloaded this mod few days ago, very sweet looking though I wasn't 100% satisfied with the looking of the map around the edges (it's seamed & looks a bit buggy).

I did some improvements for myself so it looks like a bit more natural and seamless.


The modder said he's not going to update the mod anymore in the comments (4months ago) but I wouldn't like to bother anyone updating my version of the mod as it is not my very own...

Unfortunately , I finished the game and didn't like it enough for another playthrough , as a result I don't have the game or the modding tools installed anymore.


Should I ask to the author ?

Actually I fear he's not here anymore so I won't have any answer (he has stopped playing Skyrim).

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The mod's Permissions and Credits page answers your question:


"Modification permission

You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it"


"Asset use permission

You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file"

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