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Disable Auto Reload


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There's a very handy mod (Manual Reload: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37090) for FO:NV that disables the auto-reload action. It has saved my butt on numerous occasions and I miss it in FO3. Prime example (with vs without mod): Finish a "clip" of shotgun shells -> quickly switch to pistol -> pew pew OR Finish a "clip" of shotgun shells -> slowly reload shotgun -> punched in the face by berserker with 1 bar of health -> die.


Can anyone help with this? Thanks!


(the "punched in the face" scenario happened exactly about 5 minutes ago)

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  • 9 months later...

I've searched and read all that I can find on the topic, and the author of the NV mod stated that FOSE doesn't have the capability to remember the ammo-count between weapon changes, but can stop the auto reload so that you can switch when empty, instead of reloading automatically.


I tried changing the master on the NV version and running it in FO3, but nothing happens, I suspect it needs someone who knows scripting much better than I to even get it started. But it would still be limited by FOSE, unless it has been updated since he tried it last.


I would be happy with no automatic reload, as a start, and would use it just like that. If ammo memory could be implemented later on that would be best of course.



edit: This post is where he mentions the limitations.

Edited by Melchior3
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