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DawnGaurd Ideas/requests.


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First idea/request

After obtaining the summonable horse from the soul cairn i was a little disappointed in it's appearance. The blue flames are amazing but the horse itself looks and runs a little awkward for my tastes. So my thought is this, what if you took the body of shadow mare and fused it with the blue flames of the new horse model? I'm not sure if this is even possible but it should look so amazing.


Second idea/request

Being someone who almost always plays as a vampire I was wondering if it were possible and if someone would want to do a mod that make the sun blackout toggle with arrow shots. one shot blacks it out permanently and the second shot brings it back to normal. It feels like if there were a grand prophecy to remove the sun as a enemy of vampires, it would last longer then one day cycle.


One or both of these mods would be (imo) amazingly popular for the person who decided to undertake them.


Any questions/thoughts/ideas can be directed at [email protected] (i don't check the pst system on here as much as I should).

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