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You're welcome. OOO is such a b***h kitty to run right for a lot of people. I still don't know why mine started doing right all of a sudden some months ago....Maybe I just held my mouth right,lol(sorry, old inside joke)


I'd have responded sooner, but I have lousy dialup and my bandwidth has been taken up downloading Waalx Creatures Alpha all day. I'm alpha testing it out and can hardly wait. 352 new creatures at least.

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dialup!?!?! oh lawd, how do you deal with that?


i think it might have been a problem with my memory or something, after a few hours of play it was using up 1.7 gigs of my ram now i know obivion is a memory hog but 1.7 gigs!? so i installed streamline 3.1 and everything is running extra smooth now im loving it, went ahead and installed the rest of the Fcom pack as well as my other mods, natural environments, races etc.


I saw your mod list on another page and noticed you use natural environments as well and streamline...it looks like streamline killed my natural environments, did that happen to you also?

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