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Dawnguard Bloodstone Chalice (major spoiler)


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I've heard there were portable bloodstone chalices in the chest where you fight Lord Harkon. But regardless of my faction there is nothing. So if there is in fact no such thing then would someone make a mod to add it? I tried myself with much frustration but alas I'm a lousy mod maker. Anything to get the buff is fine but for functionality purposes maybe requiring a blood potion to be required and filled at the chalice itself. Or such potion's found in vampire based dungeons. At the very least a misc item you can activate. I've also tried removing the requirements on the life drain spells to not need the bloodstone chalice buff but failed at that as well. These are just some idea's as to how to implement the buff but ultimately what I'm asking is to be able to have the drain magicka and stamina effect of life drain to work without all the hassle. Also if there is such an item already in game mine is bugged and the items formID would be appreciated. Thanks
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