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[LE] Simple question related to "Properties" in a script.

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I have 127 objects...


and every objects use this same Script...


now i add new Variable to this Script...


and those 127 objects have Default value...



its new GlobalVariable in this Script...

all of those 127 objects will use this same Variable...




And they are Base objects so i can't just click "Edit Base" and change it...

its 127 different Units for my Arena :) 127 Actors with this same script...





i have to change them all one by one

or there is any way to make it all at once ?

Edited by TobiaszPL
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There is a different beween baseObject scripts (which own all objects) and placed object scripts or ReferenceAlias scripts.


Properties for a BaseObject script are equal for each instance of that."all of these 127 objects will use the same"

ReferenceAlias my have the same script attached, but properties can be different filled, but must have the same amount and types of properties you have given.

Edited by ReDragon2013
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My approach, for example when I have a huge pile of identical Quest Aliases that need default properties filled out, is to create a Quest script with those properties and copy them all from that. Then all that you need on the individual objects/aliases is a reference to the quest, and in the case of quests aliases that can be done through GetOwningQuest().

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