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Help Creating custom legendary effects

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SO i'm trying to create new legendary effects in the ck and then make them compatible with this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38089

i have guide on how to make them compatible once they're made, BUT none on how to actually MAKE The legendary effects themselves (legit could NOT find a SINGLE guide on the process)

PLEASE someone halp lol.

all i need is someone to get me started with a step by step guide

cause looking at examples from other mods isn't helping as i don't know the process they used to make it

if anyone out there could just point me to a guide or make a Short but exact guide i'd be ULTRA Grateful :smile:
thanks :smile:

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  • 7 months later...

Hey, did you ever get an answer to this, or figure out how? I'm trying to do it myself. FWIW, From what I can see you need to make the legendary effect, make an enchantment that does what you want.. give the effect the enchantment.. then make a weapon mod that contains the legendary effect, and mark the mod as legendary : https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Object_Mod

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