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Complete Oblivion Overhaul?


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Hi all


I'm a semi old gamer (39) who are fairly new to the TES modding scene, since I haven't had a decent gamer PC since 1995 or so. I played Morrowind on Xbox and Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas on Xbox 360. Now I finally got a gamer PC, which is powerful enough to run a full modded HD Skyrim - oh happy day!


I followed the STEP guide and got a very nice looking Skyrim, and I used Morrowind Overhaul 2.0 for Morrowind and intend to use Morrowind Overhaul 3.0, when it is ready. Yummy! :woot:


But what about Oblivion? I can't seem to find a similar automatic / manual total modding for Oblivion. I have seen lists, but they are not total, and often goes above and beyond the vanilla experience. What I'm looking for is a mod collection, that will bring Oblivion up to speed with my rig without adding ridicilous features like chicken armor, über weapons, god like spell powers etc.


Maybe my search skills have forsaken me, because I can't seem to find what I need. I just would find it odd, if this hasn't been done for Oblivion, why with 27.000+ mods on nexus alone.


Please say that i suck at searching and point me in the right direction. :)

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Typically those kind of mod lists are more of a 'my favorites that worked for me and you might like' list. Because there are so many mods, that kind of list is going to vary from player to player. Instead of relying on what someone else thinks, read over those lists. Pick the dozen or so top rated mods that are included in each one. Pick some that you think you will like from various lists. Add a few that may not even be on the lists that you may like.


Then, don't make the mistake of believing that just because one person got this entire list to work perfectly on his computer that it will work the same on yours. Every computer is different - especially the video cards - some mods just don't like certain cards.


Install the mods one at a time, test between mods to be sure they work. Use OBSE, OBMM (or another mod manager) BOSS and Wrye Bash to help get your mod list working properly. Be sure to read the instructions on installing and how to use (especially for Wrye Bash)


Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog.


This is updated often so come back later for more.


If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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If you want to "improve" the looks of "Oblivion", try the Unique Landscapes Compilation.

This is "just" a collection of improvements of the landscape.

But it can conflict with other mods, that change the landscape or add buildings, settlements, towns or cities.


A complete collection of mods like "Morrowind Overhaul" for TES IV: Oblivion doesn't exist, as far as i know.

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Before my computer broke I was working on a complete refinishing of every assetin the game. Coupled with OBGE, this creates a very nice effect, especially in characters when using OBGEs SSS shaders. Regretfully, I never got around to releasing a good 37% of the games assets. There isnt much released, but once my new computer gets here, ill start again.


If your interested, its called a perfect normal.

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