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Follower question


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ok as im now in the add npc phase im trying to make npc and followers that dont look like every one else so im trying to make custom npc and followers with the (apachii hair) {MOD} and with (CBBE) but i have no clue where to start and i googled and got nothing but ive been trying tho... im thinking i need to load meshes and textures but have no idea where and how to do that..


thanks SnH Firefighter


((Side note)) i do know how to make followers and npcs.. so i dont need help there.. and i messaged the maker of CBBE and he never made things like that so he couldnt help me Thanks tho...

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Just install cbbe and whatever face mod you like according to instructions, it will apply to all women. The info for npc and skyhair is on the page itself. Don't forget to set multiple masters to load in the creation kit prefs.


Open Creation Kit with Skyrim.esm and ApachiiSkyHair.esm selected but not as active.

Locate the pre-existing NPC you want to give new hair.

Edit the Actor > Character Gen Parts tab.

Under Base Head Parts list select the Apachii hair you want your character to use

choose preview full on your character,

if you choose preview head the hair does not show on the character,

ignore any error messages you get about the tri files.

Click OK and close the characters window.

In the Object Window, find the base Actor you've just edited.

With the Actor selected in the list, press ctrl+F4. Click "Yes" when prompted to export.


This will create 2 new face textures DDS files with the NPCs ID number

(example - 000B997F.dds)in data/Textures/Actors/Character/FaceGenData/FaceTint/Skyrim.esm.


It also creates a head meshes with the NPCs ID number(example - 000B997F.NIF)

in Data/meshes/actors/character/FaceGenData/FaceGeom/Skyrim.esm


Keep the meshes and textures.


Make a plugin with the character changes.

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