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Data files greyed out


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Hello everyone, i've been trying to install a mod of about a GB but when i do it on NMM i get the system.outofmemoryexception error, so i thought no problem i'll install it manually and placed all the files correctly but to activate it on the launcher data files is greyed out or unaccesible. I have tried changed the value from 0 to 1(was 1 in the first place[bfileselection one]) which is the most common solution but its still greyed out. I've searched the forums but nothing seems to work any help?
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Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog. That problem is covered.


This is updated often so come back later for more.


If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.

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Hey, thanks for the quick reply, in your troubleshooting section regarding this says there are two SkyrimPref files? i can only find one. In that one i changed the Launcher part to bShowAllResolutions=0



as suggested and still no luck :(

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The other one (the right one to change) is located (for win 7 & Vista)

C:\users\your_user_name\my documents\my games\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini


where your_user_name is the name you assigned to yourself when you first set up your windows account on that computer. Typically your own name.


In xp, it's slightly different as there is no \users\folder. but look under C:\Documents and settings\ your_user_name\ my documents\my games\skyrim to find it.

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So i need to find the SkyrimPrefs in the main directory? because i have a folder named skyrim in my main skyrim directory which contains Skyrimprefs. I can't see no Skyrimprefs file in the main directory. I'm guessing this is what is my problem but any idea how to fix. Thanks for the help so far aswell, thanks
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The file you need to change IS NOT located in the main skyrim folder. Or even in the steam folder at all.


When Skyrim is installed, it creates a new folder in \My Documents\My games - that is also named Skyrim, but is not the game. This folder is used to hold the two ini files that are created the first time you start the game, and used from then on when you start the game just to load those two ini files. - This folder also contains your saved games in a subfolder.


The reason they do this is the ini files in the main game folder are generic and are modified by the game installer just for your specific system - so if one person has an ATI videro card, their ini will be different from someone with an Nvidia card. This also takes into account several other things that can be different from one computer to another.


The first time you started the game , you should have gotten the message that the game is detecting your video - and then it sets the video resolution based on what it found. This is where that information is placed so it doesn't have to detect video every time the game is started. And if you make changes in the game (shadows, view distance, sound volume etc) - this is where those changes are stored for the next time you play.


Any time a mod suggests you change either Skyrim.ini or SkyrimPrefs.ini, this is where you make those changes for the game to find them - if you change the other one, they will be ignored because those are only used for setting up the game the first time it is run.

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