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CBBE Issues upon reloading game


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Hey all. I am having issues with CBBE. I installed these mods in order:


Bodyslide, XPMSSE, CBBE, The Pure - CBBE.

Then I ran LOOT and sorted the mod order.

Then I ran FNIS.

I didn't run bodyslide because that keeps messing up things for me. If someone could walk me through the basics like I'm a child that would help.


I started the game through SKSE and started a brand new game. Everything looked fine. I saved and quit.


When I reloaded that same save just a few minutes later, the body for CBBE was messed up. The breasts were pixelated and sort of smooshed down into the body, at least that's how it looked when I had armor on. When I took the armor off my characters chest was just flat and pixelated. Very odd. Any thoughts?


Update 1: I reloaded the game again and this time she looked weird in armor and fine in underwear. I decided to try and use bodyslide to fix it. I set Outfit/Body to CBBE Body Physics. I set Preset to CBBE Curvy (Outfit). I selected all the groups, checked off build morpphs in the bottom left, and clicked batch build. I checked off the ones I wanted and hit okay. I ran FNIS again because I selected some physics options. Still looks weird with armor.

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