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Delayed trigger for arrows after impact? Possible?


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I'm much of a noob when it comes to modding, so I'm asking here for help.


I'm trying to create arrows with a delayed explosion/effect as sort of a trap for enemies. Since there is an option named "Alt. Trigger" with Timer and Proximity variables it should be somehow possible.


(Picture from creationkit.com - Just for orientation purpose)


On the right side I've activated "Explosion", set the Fireball-Explosion (don't know it's actual name in CK right now) as Effect, ticked "Alt. Trigger" and set a timer and proximity value. I've even set a "Countdown Sound".


So far so good, but the Explosion triggers immediately on impact and not after a countdown. The sound doesn't play either, which means the countdown was not triggered at all.



Has anyone of you an idea how to get it to work or if it's even possible this way?



Thanks in advance for any help you can provide ;)

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Update: Alright after tinkering a bit and redoing the whole mod cleanly the delay now works. Don't know why exactly though. Before I used another mods .esp (Hot daedric arrows) to just screw around a bit and somehow the delayed trigger won't work for the explosive arrows of that mod, maybe a script that interferes or some other stuff.

Now I created it from scratch using only Vanilla assets (copied iron arrow as base) and the delay works like a charm now.


Only problem I ran into: I can't use my custom sound as countdown sound. I copied the .wav (Mono/16bit/44100hz) into skyrim/data/sound/fx and created the Forms for the sound. I'm able to play and hear it within the creation kit and I'm also able to select it as countdown sound. But in the game the countdown sound won't play. Maybe someone's got a solution or even a hint for me how to solve this problem.


Again, thanks in advance for any help ;)

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