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crashing at tempines bluff please help


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i keep crashing at tempines bluff. can someone please help me, i dont know whats going on here.

my load order blelow



"0209",".45 Auto Pistol (Colt M1911)"

"0211","9mm Pistol (Browning Hi-Power) Redux"

"0192","Accelerator Plasma Energy Weapon"

"0194","Ad Victoriam ESP Update. MM Edition"

"0193","Ad Victoriam. A Brotherhood of Steel Overhaul Apocalyptic Edition"


"0067","All Nuka-Cola Flavors for the Commonwealth"

"0156","Alternative Magazine Covers and more"

"0107","Ammo Retexture"

"0138","ANiceOakTree's Diverse Children"

"0139","ANiceOakTree's Diverse Children killable patch"

"0022","Animated Chems Redone"

"0159","Anti-Material Rifle Creation Club"

"0191","AQUILA - Laser Rifle"


"0017","Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)"

"0018","Armorsmith Extended"

"0143","ASB v2 (Assaultron Brawler ver.2)"

"0030","Atomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth"

"0141","AWARHERO Great Green Jewel"

"0040","Backpacks of the Commonwealth"

"0184","Better Companions - All In One"

"0199","Better Explosives Redux"

"0198","Better Locational Damage"

"0222","Better Power Armor - A Power Armor Overhaul"

"0134","Better Settlers"

"0032","BodySlide and Outfit Studio - v4.7.1"

"0011","Boston FPS Fix - aka BostonDT PreVis-PreCombine"

"0104","Bottles' Label Overhaul"

"0128","Bridge to Spectacle Island"

"0029","Bullet Time - Slow Time"

"0207","Bullpup Bozar"

"0106","Bun's Radioactive Glowing Fusion Core Retextures"

"0033","Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-"

"0042","Campsite - Simple Wasteland Camping (and HD Sleeping Bags)"

"0160","Captain Cosmos Creation Club"

"0212","Caravan Shotgun"

"0165","CC hellfire power armor BoS paint improved"

"0231","Church of Atom Overhaul"

"0036","Classic Combat Armor"

"0170","Classic Zetan Arsenal (CC) texture replacer"

"0071","Clean Water of the Commonwealth"

"0232","CoA Overhaul AWKCR and AE Patch"

"0233","CoA Overhaul CBBE Patch"

"0148","Combat Power Armor"

"0050","Commonwealth Conifers Redux"

"0079","Companion Status HUD"

"0235","Courser X-92 Power Suit - CBBE BodySlide"

"0234","Courser X-92 Power Suit CBBE and PipBoy (Pip-Boy)"

"0013","Crafting Highlight Fix"

"0006","Creation Club: ccfrsfo4001-handmadeshotgun"

"0043","Crimsomrider's Accessories (AWKCR-AE)"

"0070","CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul"

"0058","CROSS Jetpack"

"0076","CROSS PlasRail"

"0044","CROSS Pre-War Cybernetics"

"0195","Cross Recon Patch REQUIRES NEIROS RECON ARMOR"





"0060","CROSS_Courser Strigidae"




"0109","Detailed Urban Food"

"0005","DLC: Automatron"

"0004","DLC: Contraptions Workshop"

"0003","DLC: Far Harbor"

"0002","DLC: Nuka-World"

"0001","DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop"

"0000","DLC: Wasteland Workshop"

"0133","DogMeat and Strong Armor by TumbaJamba and MunkySpunk"

"0078","Dr. Goodneighbor"

"0064","Dr. Phibbs' Neuro-Atomic Limbs - Mojave Manhunter"

"0126","Drivable Cars Redux"

"0082","Easy Hacking"

"0083","Easy Lockpicking"

"0178","Eden Meadows Cinema Player Home (Far Harbor)"

"0114","Eli's Armour Compendium"

"0080","Enhanced Blood Textures"

"0218","Enhanced Lights and FX"

"0115","Evil Institute HD"

"0152","Extreme Particles Overhaul 3.0"

"0054","Eyewear and mask retexture"

"0116","Faction Housing Overhaul - All In One"

"0117","Faded Glory - A Post-Apocalyptic Soundscape (Remastered)"

"0045","Far West Minutemen"

"0037","Fire Axe - A Standalone Melee Weapon"

"0091","Follower Revive System"

"0007","Full Dialogue Interface"

"0149","Fusion City Rising - Quest Mod Plus"

"0201","Fusion core refueler"

"0034","Glock 86 - Plasma Pistol"

"0097","Glowing Hancock"

"0227","GN Expanded RedRocketTvs Condo Patch 1.2"

"0225","Goodneighbor Expanded"

"0210","Grease Gun SMG"

"0084","Grenade Expansion Pack 2"

"0014","Heather Casdin - A Unique Companion Experience by llamaRCA"

"0224","Heather Casdin - Patches FOMOD"

"0161","Heavy Incinerator Creation Club"

"0162","Hellfire Power Armor Creation Club"

"0154","Hookers of the Commonwealth (HotC)"


"0066","Hunting Revolver and Ranger Sequoia"

"0213","Hunting Shotgun"

"0203","ICS Wifi Router Generators and such"

"0041","Immersive Gunners Plaza"

"0185","Immersive Teleportation 2"

"0047","Immersive Windows"

"0051","Insignificant Object Remover"

"0086","Ketaros Magazines"

"0088","Killable Children"

"0122","KS Hairdos - Addon(s) with Physics"

"0073","LAER (Laser Assisted Electrical Rifle)"

"0038","Lighting Series - All In One"

"0150","Lima Detachment"

"0087","Locksmith - Lock Your Doors 'n' Containers"

"0189","M2019 PKD Detective Special - That Gun"

"0113","Makconners Spartan Cockpit"

"0147","Maxwell's World"

"0046","Minutemen Relay Flare Gun"

"0144","Minutemen Takeover - Nuka World"


"0221","Mk 41 Gyrojet Heavy Machine Gun"

"0009","Mod Configuration Menu"

"0215","Modern Weapon Replacers - All In One Pack - FOMOD Installer"

"0163","Modular Military Backpack Creation Club"

"0158","Morgan's Space Suit Creation Club"

"0219","NAC - Natural and Atmospheric Commonwealth"

"0220","NAC-Armorsmith Extended compatibility Patch"

"0081","Nameplates - Floating Healthbars"

"0214","New Vegas Weapon Replacer Pack"

"0197","No Place is Safe - Hunted Encounters"

"0164","Noir Penthouse Creation Club"

"0092","Not Your Average Neon"

"0053","NPCs Travel"

"0093","Nuka Cola Refrigerated Display Case"

"0048","Nuka World - Lighting"

"0179","Nuka World Fizztop Grille Enhancements"

"0085","Nuka World Vintage Alien Blaster"

"0068","Nuka-Cola Classic"

"0069","Nuka-Cola Classic dlc"

"0095","OLD WORLD RADIO - BOSTON v6.0"

"0096","OLD WORLD RADIO 2 v1.3"

"0103","One Handed Revolver"

"0177","Optimized Vanilla Textures"

"0136","Orphans of bunkerhill"

"0135","Orphans of the Commonwealth"

"0137","Orphans of thegoodneighbor"

"0155","Outcasts and Remnants - Quest Mod Plus"

"0176","Overboss Power Armor - Constructable No Chain Mesh"

"0016","PiP-Boy 2000"

"0015","Pip-Boy Flashlight"

"0052","Pip-Boy Flashlight - Hide Pipboy patch by MaxShadow09"

"0180","Piper's Outfit Retexture"

"0121","Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar v2.5a"

"0112","Power Armor Helmet Style Visor 16 by 9 Aspect Ratio Only"

"0166","Power Armor Paint Job - Onyx Creation Club"

"0102","Project Cyberdog's Rex Dogmeat Replacer"

"0157","Project Valkyrie"

"0120","Proper Flyers And Posters"

"0019","Proto Vault Suit"

"0167","Prototype Gauss Rifle Creation Club"


"0105","Radioactive Signs - Lighting"

"0089","Raider Children and Other Horrors of the Commonwealth"

"0186","Raider Overhaul WIP"

"0100","Railroad Armored Coat HD Retexture"

"0099","Railroad New Uniform"

"0217","Restore Power Armor Frames"

"0021","Retextured Chems v.2 - Ephla's Unique Chems"

"0024","Retextured First Aid Kits - Ephla's Unique First Aid"

"0025","Retextured Terminals - by Ben Ephla"

"0023","Retextured Toolbox - by Ben Ephla"

"0020","Satellite Color World Map Combo"

"0153","Scrap Everything"

"0124","SeriouslySarcastic's Immersive Companions male only"

"0110","Settlement Tidy Bot"

"0031","settlers of the commonwealth"

"0055","Shorter Gas Masks"

"0056","Shorter Gas Masks with Goggles"

"0171","Sim Settlements"

"0173","Sim Settlements - Conqueror"

"0175","Sim Settlements Mayors (33 more Leaders)"

"0174","Sim Settlements Mega Pack - Year One"

"0129","Simply Lowered Drawbridges"

"0204","Skibadaa Weapon Pack REDUX"

"0119","South of The Sea. (March 2018 Update)"

"0142","ST-BB ( Sentrybot BeetleBack )"

"0200","Start Me Up - Alternate Start and Dialogue Overhaul"

"0010","Survival Options"

"0196","Synth Overhaul - By Maaro and Echoes"

"0216","Synth Uniforms Lootable"

"0111","T-51.C Advanced Computer System"

"0101","Tactical Flashlights"

"0108","Tech Noir Fusion Cell"

"0131","Terminator Synths Gen2 v2.1"

"0094","Terminator Weapon sound Effects"

"0146","The Code"

"0229","The Deadly Commonwealth Expansion (Enemy Faction Overhaul)"

"0230","The Deadly Expansion AE Raider Overhaul Patch"

"0125","The Eyes of Beauty Fallout Kaleidoscope Edition - All-in-One"

"0140","The Goodneighbor Condo Player Home"

"0026","The Laser RCW - An Energy Submachine Gun from New Vegas (from scratch)"

"0075","The Lavish LaserMusket"

"0027","The Mercenary - Pack"

"0028","The Mercenary - Pack update"

"0145","The Train - Now with Commonwealth and Nuka World travel"

"0063","TheKite's Handmaiden"

"0226","Third Rail Nightclub Mega UPDATE"

"0118","TNR Shoulder Lamp"

"0228","Tri-Companion 2 (Cait - Curie - Piper)"

"0049","True Grass"

"0130","True Reporter - Piper Outfit Redone - CBBE - Vanilla - Bodyslide"

"0188","Truly Unique Nick 1.0.2"

"0151","Unique NPCs - Creatures and Monsters"

"0090","Unlimited Companion Framework"

"0012","Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch"

"0074","Useful Crank - Laser Musket doesn't require ammo"

"0182","Valdacil's Item Sorting"

"0132","Valentine REBORN - Nick Face Retexture - HD Synth Eyes and Teeth - Gen1 Metal Skeleton"

"0208","Varmint Rifle"

"0202","Vault-Tec's AROD Water Purifier"

"0187","VIS Raider Overhaul Patches"

"0223","Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Performance"

"0205","Wasteland Melody's Service Rifle"

"0065","Wattz Laser Gun"

"0039","West Tek Tactical Optics - Night Vision Thermal Vision Goggles and More"

"0035","Winchester P94"

"0206","WM ServiceRifle 1.1"

"0172","Workshop Framework"

"0168","X-02 Power Armor Creation Club"

"0127","Younger Male Face Texture"

"0169","Zetan Arsenal Creation Club"


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