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My Wishlist Mod : Vacancy


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My Wishlist Mod : Vacancy


First, I'm sure about everyone whom has ever played daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, and certainly Skyrim have all thought about this, hopeful for it; even brought it up! But I want too to! So don't fault me for that! ;)




At it's alpha/beginning stages would begin with these already difficult to impliment features.. **


Loading any major hold city checks every home in vanilla Skyrim for it's owner's current stage, alive or dead.


If deceased, the home's name is instantly changed to "Previously x's" with a note attached to the door; what the note says would be based on % chance.


"Up for Sale" - The player could then go to the Town Hall of that particular town, and find the registry book (no npc's unless voiced <.<) and sign for purchase.


"Purchased by x" - If player, naturally it'll state that and all containers within that house will be reset to never refresh what's inside them. Though the more times you load into the Cell the % script runs again; offering a chance it'll be purchased by someone else.

; if purchased by someone other than the player; a randomly generated NPC drawing from hopefully thousands of potentional - lore friendly names / various pre-made NPC's will begin traveling from one of the entrances of other regions and attempt to get to their new home.


Theres always a chance however, the NPC will never make it. A bulletian board is raised in every hold and village at some easily visable but out of the way spot that you can read regarding the "Tragic death of x npc, killed by (monster name); while traveling from Hammerfell(or other regions!)" aswell as whom's moved in in the last 30 in-game days, and who's moved out and to where in the last 30 in-game days.. perhaps to the point of allowing a few randomized quests from the Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood to request you to find (npc name) and steal from - or kill, and while you could just use map markers; it would be quite interesting to have those rare moments of knowing "Hey, I remember him from Whiterun!" .. traveling to whiterun to see the house if vacant, and a notice that he/she moved to Solitude. Tedious, but alive; and I care more about those moments than I do having things always right where I left them.


Later down the line, I can dream... oh I can dream. **


Compatibility to easily impliment actual Companion's from mods into the randomized list of NPC's that might replace a empty house.


Enabling all NPC's whom have been generated by this mod to move to other homes in other holds as they become vacant, and thus putting their old house up for sale.

Option for the player to sell the house he/she has purchased, reopening it to vacant status. Feigning Skyrim all the more as a truely living world.



At the end of the line...


Revamping every interior of Skyrim's homes to have additional purchase options, varied pricing based on the house itself, tax's on the house to be paid every month.




The dream of dreams.. **


Atop all of it, killing business owners will put Inn's and shops up for sale; allowing randomized NPC's to take over - or for the player to purchase it and use a book to hire, fire, and raise or lower the overall prices.


Random income of said businesses within reasonable limits, aswell as tax and influenced by the player's purchases and selling aswell.


Added layers of pre-made NPC's that might bring small familes with them, so long as there are enough beds; though when layered with additional purchase options mentioned before, it might randomly decide to purchase a feature that adds a extra bed or various supplies and move that family in; the next time the player comes for a visit, sneaks in or otherwise - and is greeted with a vastly different home beyond just random container loot - would be awe-inspiring, as much so as fighting your first dragon .. or .. well, that varies on your experience I suppose <.< but you get the idea!


Monthly, somewhat random maintenance required on the home. A true money sink for the vast wealth we generally obtain and puts owning a home more in perspective, rather than just being a place to drop your loot for the day. Each one containing a list of what your getting repaired and fixed even if it's not visually shown in the game; it's nice to know where your money's going, such as getting new locks on the windows and door(s); fixing the roof to keep the house from collapsing; slack on repairs long enough and the house might become inaccessable due to a collapse, or perhaps a fire. a lot .. a lot a lot a lot of work but a lot of possibilities that go along with it.


Additional Crime % that a randomized NPC might break in while your there, or not, and steal from you if you haven't upgraded and kept the maintenance up on your home. Guards will at times have gotten lucky and have caught this thief, a note will be left on the door notifying you of what was taken and to come to the local jail to get it returned. (Eventually the thief is always caught, but it might take a month or two and then you may have to venture to a hold in another city.. finally.. those red fonts marking something as stolen even if it was just a ladle come in handy! You got your things back!.)


Not paying taxes on your home, might cause the house to be locked from you; after which point you have thirty days in-game time to come up with the money or break in and get what you need from your house before it's lost.. or put in a container somewhere in the hold you have to go through hell to get to; such as the one's in the jails.


Sky's the limit, unfortunately my talents do not include .. well.. any of this. =P I playtest, that's about all I'm good at; if that. But it felt nice writing the concept out regardless, as many times as I'm sure dead on similar has showed up over the years.

Edited by Satorinu
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Great ideas, indeed. I especially like the one about taking over an inn. it would open so many doors, and a vast variety of new content, socially-wise of course.


However,as of the "Only a dream" part. I just saw a guy that made his horse into a car with hydraulics. And some guy further down in this forum made Van Helsings automatic crossbow (which is all good work, no trollface intended!). I'm sure a customization of a few scripts can be arranged. I wouldnt say never though.

Nice ideas!

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Never was a bit of a strong word, I'll admit. :P I've seen some mods already, much less weighing in those of Morrowind and Oblivion (morroblivion anyone?)


At it's most simple I could see it being done without to much; but to go any further it is one of those major overhauls with many technical hurtles and certainly some of the biggest compatibility issues a modder or team of modders could attempt. It'd honestly be less of a strain I think, to make a working pregnancy and growth system from baby to adulthood that constantly keeps homes owners ever-changing than going all out with this line of thinking...


Which.. uuhhh.. add that to the list! >;3 This is just going.. to keep going and going :ninja: I left out one of the biggest perks of going through all that, aside from the general awesomeness! Oh god..


Tacked onto the whole idea, would make it so anyone who's referenced in conversations of other NPC's and are murdered; get replaced by new NPC's with the same name used in the conversation (be it first or last); aswell any quest giver that dies, say, hmm... all the Yarl's of every hold die mysteriously to a dark brotherhood assassin namely.. you. They end up replaced by a NPC with a new face, same voice, AI and quest package; but for those who's last names are used in conversations - the random NPC's last name becomes that, while his/her first name is still randomly generated. I can't recall anyone in the game who's first and last name are referenced, but I'm sure theres a few; in which case we'd just have to get over it and accept the person we killed is replaced by someone named the same thing, or have it remove those voice clips after that particular person's death .. or when they move away. :teehee: .


Would certainly render "Essential" obsolete. <.< I want.. I want... I want to kill everyone and replace them with new NPC's by this mod, right now! :ohdear: and maybe kill them to when they bore me.. and watch them get replaced weeks later by new version! Then come across one with a silly randomly generated name and slaughter that one to, so I get a less silly-named replacement :devil:


:dance: Would be awesome. So awesome. But I'm done now, my wishful thinking spoken!

Edited by Satorinu
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