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on a iMac, getting low fps


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Hi guys.


Trying to get some good FPS out of skyrim on my iMac, its a brand new mid 2011 model with i5 chip and 8GB ram. I know this game will perform very smoothly using windows/bootcamp which is what im using. But when I play I just seem to get a jittery frame rate. Is not really poor but it annoys the hell out of because I want to play first person and its just irritating how I get these little hiccups.


My steam folder is in an external drive. I have tried it running straight from my main drive and it makes no difference so Ive ruled that out.


So how the hell are people running this with mega FPS?


Ive tried lowering my settings but strangely this makes little difference to actual FPS. I normally have it set on high.


I just want to improve this.



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