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How to read the Papyrus aka what'S causing tht CTD?


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Hello there,


i'm encountering random CTDs, when approaching Sanctuary, Sunshine Tidings but also when in Red Rocket after a random period of time.

Papyrus is active, but i don't knoe how to "read" it. Can someone please help me, to figure out what active or maybe uninstalled mod is causing tht CTD.

Everything is looted and sorted. Mod list:


Achievements - Achievements v1-0-5

Angry Artillery - Angry Artillery 1.1

Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v8.51

Armorsmith Extended - Armorsmith Extended v4.6

Better Companions - All In One - Better Companions

Better Generators - Better Generators (2x) v1-1-0

Better Settlement Beds - EferasBetterSettlementBeds.V1.2.STANDALONE

Clean Settlement Greenhouses - CS Greenhouses

Decay - Reshade Preset - Decay Reshade Presets

Eli's Armour Compendium - Eli"s Armour Compendium - CBBE and BodySlide 1.5

Enhanced Blood Textures

FAR - Faraway Area Reform - FAR - Default Resolution (ESL)

Functional Displays v0.2.9.2 BETA

Fusion City Rising - Quest Mod Plus - Fusion City Rising v.1.0

Immersive Fallout - NMM Installer Improved Map with Visible Roads - Improved Map with Visible Roads 2.0

Legendary Modification - Legendary Modification

Loot Detector - Loot Detector (ESP for NMM)

Lowered Weapons - Lowered Weapons 1.1

More Productive Scavengers - More Productive Scavengers

More Where That Came From - Diamond City Radio Edition - MWTCF Main Mod 3.1

Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar v2.5a - Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar v2_5a - Loose files

Ransacked Relays and Shuddersome Subways - Patch 1.1

Realistic Death Physics - No Animations - Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC version.

Rise of the Minutemen - An Overly Inflated Name for a Basic Outfit Swap - RiseOfTheMinutemen0_9.rar

Robot Home Defence - Robot Home Defence Settlement

Supplies Expanded - Main file Sim Settlements

Sim Settlements - Altairp's Animal Farm

Sim Settlements - IDEK's Logistics Station

Sim Settlements Conqueror Minutemen Playable Faction

Sim Settlements Mayors (33 more Leaders) - Sim Settlements Mayors

Sim Settlements Mega Pack - Year Two - Sim Settlements - MegaPack Year 2 v 1.0.0

Sim Settlements: Conqueror

Sim Settlements: Industrial Revolution

Sim Settlements: Mega Pack - Year One

Sim Settlements: Rise of the Commonwealth

Take Cover - Take Cover 1.3 BETA

Uncapped Settlement Surplus - Uncapped Settlement Surplus 2.0.1

Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch

Valdacil's Item Sorting - Valdacils Item Sorting v9.0.3

Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Textures in HD - ORIGINAL SIZE - LOWER RESOLUTION - Vivid Fallout - Landscapes - Best Choice

Vivid Weathers - Fallout 4 Edition - a Weather Mod and Climate Overhaul - Vivid Weathers- Definitive Edition

War Of The Commonwealth - Spawns (Includes Far Harbor Spawns) -UPDATED- - War of the Commonwealth

Weapons of Fate (Ballistics Overhaul) - Weapons of Fate - Latest Version

Weaponsmith Extended - Weaponsmith Extended v4-4-2019 - Plugin


Workshop Framework - Workshop Framework v1.1.3a



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I hope someone knows an answer.


Thx, Oberhenne

Edited by Oberhenne
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