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Less Cartoony Raider/Raider armor overhaul


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I'm thinking I'd like to overhaul raider armor and outfits. Here's my reasoning.


So raiders are just people who are willing to hurt and rob innocent people so they can survive. There's really no reason for them to dress half-naked in a cold location like boston or wear scrap metal armor when they could almost certainly kill random travelers for better gear, more reasonable gear. I'd still include the vanilla raider armor and clothing, but limit it to a subsection of "junkie" raiders who sell all their loot for chems (they'd have basic raider gear, no caps, but lots of chems). This could also be used for a Sim Settlements Conqueror Faction, but that's not my main goal.


Anyway, I'm looking for any suggestions on improvement and/or inspiration for new armors.

Edited by g324
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