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What woulld you like to see in the next DLC?


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More races? the return of the snow elves or peace with the The Falmer or maybe a lost Dwemer outpost? can they come up with more creatures and more spells? or how about wiping out the Thalmor?


What would you like to see?

Edited by sinnerman69
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I would like to see a Second Great War.You know, some content about the Thalmor.

Some things like this:


-It doesn't matter which side you pick,after the end of the Civil War quests,Ulfric/Tullius send a letter saying that the Thalmor are attacking Windhelm/Solitude and you need to go there to defend the city.


-From time to time a courier gives you a letter from Ulfric/Tullius saying that the Thalmor are attacking a city and you need to go there and kill the Elves.


-A new,big and awesome Questline with some new stuff like new weapons,armors and spells.


-Random encounters in which 5 or 6 Thalmor soldiers attack you.


-(this is the better one)The DLC lets you to go to Cyrodiil to defend the city against a poweful attack from the Thalmor!!!!


And more stuff.I really would like a DLC that let us to give an end to the Thalmor threat.

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The rest of the game lol:-)


Seriously though a lot of bug fixes first before any more content. I really hate having to use the console just to play through the game even at default with no mods and everything updated to the latest version. I don't even have dawnguard yet and I think that is a good thing according to all the bug complaints around here.

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The rest of the game lol:-)


Seriously though a lot of bug fixes first before any more content. I really hate having to use the console just to play through the game even at default with no mods and everything updated to the latest version. I don't even have dawnguard yet and I think that is a good thing according to all the bug complaints around here.

What do you mean with the rest of the game?

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Every game is made now with DLC in mind so they leave out entire sections of the game and release them later as DLC to make extra money. The way they have production of games setup now it really does look like they make the DLC later but they should have just made all of it part of the game to begin with but this would make release dates and development cycles longer which of course publishers don't like. This is why kickstarter is becoming so popular because whoever funds it doesn't have to care about publisher greed they only have to care about what they are funding and their motivation for funding is to play the game not make money on it.


Any game made in 2004 or older has no DLC that I can remember atm only expansions or addons so you got the whole game but these days it is all about the money and the shareholders:-(

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Id like to see more like dawnguard, as in expansions on things already in the game, but mostly expand on the stromcloak-imperial relations, do you knock the imperials back to cyrodil or do they take over skyrim, do the Jarls of skyrim ever hold a moot to elect a new high king, Is the ban on talos lifted. other possible ones could focus on the aedra and of course something linked to sheogorath, everyone loves sheogorath
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Every game is made now with DLC in mind so they leave out entire sections of the game and release them later as DLC to make extra money. The way they have production of games setup now it really does look like they make the DLC later but they should have just made all of it part of the game to begin with but this would make release dates and development cycles longer which of course publishers don't like. This is why kickstarter is becoming so popular because whoever funds it doesn't have to care about publisher greed they only have to care about what they are funding and their motivation for funding is to play the game not make money on it.


Any game made in 2004 or older has no DLC that I can remember atm only expansions or addons so you got the whole game but these days it is all about the money and the shareholders:-(

there is so much ignorance in this post it isnt even worth commenting on

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Maybe you own some shares of a game company huh?

dragonslayer2k12,have more careful in writing this kind of things on the net.You are just giving your opinion,maybe what you are doing have nothing of wrong, and i might be wrong but,we players are not the only ones reading this and the game companys are powerful man!Don't get involved in this kind of situation. :thumbsup:

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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