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What woulld you like to see in the next DLC?


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Some stuff I want to see:


-A treasure hunt. And not just: "Go into this dungeon, beat a boss and get the treasure." I mean some serious Indiana Jones type stuff, running all around Skyrim looking for clues and pieces of a map and solving riddles, etc, before you even get an idea of where to look. And the treasure isn't just some trinket but something very important or powerful. Maybe the Thalmor is after it as well and you have to find it before them. Heck, maybe multiple factions are after it.


-More cool armors and swords and stuff. Bethesda seems to have a tendency to save their best stuff for DLCs. (While on the subject, I'm disappointed by the lack of Dawnguard swords.) More unique weapons, as in with actual unique meshes.




-More Dwemer stuff. Not just new enemies and loot but stuff like factories, dwarven mines, giant digging machines, ruins with huge moving sections, etc.


-In general, more varied dungeons as well as dungeons with more puzzles and gameplay mechanics. (Hanging platforms, water currents, darkness, etc.)


-More questlines involving dragons as actual characters, like Paarthurnax and Odahviing, rather than just enemies.


-A whole new world, like a plane of Oblivion. To this day I say Shivering Isles was a far better concept then Oblivion was. I'd like to see Bethesda get creative an pull off something like that again. I dunno, maybe Azura's place or something.


-Did I mention spears? I know you have spears, Bethesda, I saw that video.


As for putting the Thalmor to the sword, I doubt that will happen in a DLC, simply because Bethesda is clearly building them up as the major villains in a future game. The fact that so many people really wants to take them on in a major way just proves this tactic works perfectly.

Edited by Relativelybest
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Anything BUT the Dwemer and the Falmer, I freaking hate everything connected to them, Dwemer ruins are horribly boring and the Falmer are nothing but a pain in the..eye... Their loot sucks and not once have I had a "nice experience" with any of the Dwemer dungeons, I agree that they should add something about the Thalmor, it feels like it was left out, and also it feels like they left out the moot for the High King, which also sucks, they should add that too, and stop crying for going into other Lands, you can't expect Bethesda to make a massive DLC that includes another huge part of the world that some PC's couldn't handle, I would like that to happen but it probably won't. Yes,yes it can be done but the game is buggy as it is so the next DLC should be focused on fixing some of the issues and add some major parts of the story that are missing or were just left out, and don't start attacking me for commenting this, it's just my opinion :)
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Anything BUT the Dwemer and the Falmer, I freaking hate everything connected to them, Dwemer ruins are horribly boring and the Falmer are nothing but a pain in the..eye... Their loot sucks and not once have I had a "nice experience" with any of the Dwemer dungeons,


Yeah, but that's exactly why they need upgrading. Dwemer ruins are interesting in concept but kinda dull in execution. That's why I liked the new tonal locks that came with Dawnguard; they spiced things up a bit. And I never thought the Falmer were very interesting until I started finding Falmer in heavy armor, new types of chaurus, female Falmer, etc.

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I always thought the dragon mount thing would be awesome. Wouldn't have to fast travel, so it would help everything be more immersive. I also would love to see an end to the Thalmor in Skyrim due to the fact that there is a HUGE cliffhanger concerning them at the end of the civil war quest. Hopefully they would make the questline a little more interesting than the civil war quest, where you little capture two cities and a few forts and the war is over.
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Yeah, but that's exactly why they need upgrading. Dwemer ruins are interesting in concept but kinda dull in execution. That's why I liked the new tonal locks that came with Dawnguard; they spiced things up a bit. And I never thought the Falmer were very interesting until I started finding Falmer in heavy armor, new types of chaurus, female Falmer, etc.

I know what you meant by saying what you said, it's just that the lore and the story aren't really interesting for me and I am a writer myself, I found the lore to be a good start but never really finished and I found the dungeons repetitive and boring, maybe if they put more work in the story I would have liked it. But I think they shouldn't really make a whole DLC about the Dwemer, since they aren't really Skyrim's primary topic. Maybe a few quests and books that would tease us for a future DLC about the Dwemer that would come out afterwards, the players would be anxious to see it and Bethesda would make a lot of money which is one of their primary targets as game developers.

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Well there are rumors about Bethesda remaking the Stealth system so i expect some other assassin guild at next DLC. WHAT i would really like to see is:-


1- Update about the peace between the Empire and the Dominion after the outcome of the civil war.

2- Dwemer research in making a weapon against the Aedra/Daedra. (I hate some of them lore-wise, :))

3- Oblivion!


Dawnguard was close to being perfect but some aspects held it back. The part which i found surprisingly good was the outcome of the dialogs you chose for Serana. I replayed the game and found that Serana does certain things differently depending on one single dialog the player choices. This should be expanded and updated more as it one way of improving the atmosphere, story, consequences etc.

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But I think they shouldn't really make a whole DLC about the Dwemer, since they aren't really Skyrim's primary topic.


Not saying they should make the Dwemer the focus of an entire DLC, just that I would like to see their content expanded so going into their dungeons is more fun.


The part which i found surprisingly good was the outcome of the dialogs you chose for Serana. I replayed the game and found that Serana does certain things differently depending on one single dialog the player choices.


I was surprised to find that when Serana asked about my parents, I actually got to chose what sort of upbringing my character had. That actually came as a surprise, so I had to think about it a bit before replying. (I decided my character had good parents, since she's generally heroic and honorable, and that they were still alive, because I consider orphan heroes overrated.)

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I hope Bethesda watches these forums and get's ideals from this thread :thumbsup:


They will probably get the bad ones >.< , and by the way, a werebear? Seriously? What's next, werechickens? It would be cool if you could be a shapeshifter though O.O



hey I seen that werebear request on the boards here a few days ago and wondered where'd that come from :biggrin:

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