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I'd like to play as a doctor


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So, I need suggestions. Are there any mods that allow a true healer gameplay, making NPCs catch diseases/get injuried?Just healing followers in battle isn't exactly what I have in mind. Oblivion had a mod named Vector that was supposed to spread a plague, although I could never made it work. Is there anything similar that doesn't involve undead? I'd want to play a physician, not a paladin or a priest.
I already use "Wounds", something like that applied to allies/NPCs would be simply awesome.

Besides, my character should be cursed - as in, able to magically heal others only by taking their injuries on himself. So, I was thinking some blood magic would fit, which mod has the best spells for that?
Thanks in advance.

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Sooo, since I'm not asking for giant bouncing boobs no one's interested in replying... Fine, let's change the subject. Is there, anywhere, at least a set of light armor/clothes for MALE characters that shows a little body shape without looking skimpy? Something like a pants and shirt (or even shirtless, for roleplay reasons) outfit that doesn't use the awful vanilla meshes, I despise the barbarian look so don't even try suggesting fur loinclothes/skirts. My character should look like a handsome pirate, not a brainless thug or a farmer. I just browsed the armor section skipping through hundreds of creative female outfits and, apart from the usual bunch of witcher 3 conversions, I couldn't find any new male armor or clothing model that wasn't either too bulky, gaudy, tastelessly colored, ridiculously elaborate or totally gay.
The only fitting one is the duelist longcoat, already installed, but I'd like to change clothes once in a while.
I'm frankly appalled by the few dressing choices us female players have for our guys. It's either give them an armor or robe and forget the rest, or make them wear the ugly vanilla clothes, retextured or not the meshes are still awful.
If any of you can point me to any armor/clothing mod that would fit, even Oldrim ones, I'll be forever grateful.

Edited by whiteshaix
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