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Creation Kit Problem


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Whenever I load up Creation Kit and select multiple master files it gives me the "Multiple master files loaded. Operation aborted" error.


Now before you go on and say "Open SkyrimPrefs.ini and copypasta ballowmultiplemasterloads=1 under General"


I already did that, yet I'm still getting the error. What am I doing wrong?

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First time making a mod I check skyrim and update then go into ck. After saving one time I just check my saved esp file I made and select it as active file and then go into ck. I would think that if I want to use another mod as part of my mod that I already had installed I would have to check it along with skyrim and update before starting the new mod in the beginning? adding another mod into a mod later on might mess things up but then merging mods would be done like that? But I don't think you have to make other mods master files just have them checked right?
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Firstly, you only need to "check" the Dawnguard.esm file (once you've edited SkyrimEditor.ini) and the CK will automatically load all other necessary ***.esm files.

Secondly make sure your copy of the CK is updated, which should happen automatically, provided you are using Steam in online mode (and have a legit copy of the game and CK of course)

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