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Superhuman Potential, The Path of Saitama


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I've had this idea for a while and with the upcoming release of One Punch Man season 2, it seemed like a good time to make the request.

There are various One Punch Man mods already, but generally speaking OP mods are only fun for a very short time. I have found that the longevity of an OP character can be increased by having the character slowly gain their power.

In One Punch Man, it is revealed that Saitama gained his immense powers through a very simple workout routine; obviously this is done for comic effect in the series, but in reality would mean that he has some kind of ability that allows him to make superhuman gains from a normal workout.
This is the idea behind the mod I'm suggesting.

Instead of a character that is immediately OP, I'm suggesting a setup in which a character will gain unarmed damage, movement & attack speed, jump height, health and action points at a rapid rate as they level up.

The easiest way to do this would be either to replace an existing perk, or use the LevelUpMenuEx mod to add a perk with many ranks that the player could select each level.

However, if it is possible, a script based mod that automatically adjusts these stats upon level up would be far more interesting and would presumably allow for the gains to become part of a calculation which may be more appropriate for allowing the strength to grow in a more exponential manner.
As a bonus, adding a 'bloody mess' effect that would slowly increase up to a 100% chance of occurring as you grow stronger would allow for the gore of the series.

If you wanted to take it a step further, there's a few much more difficult to implement effects that could be achieved by interfacing with some existing mods to really make things feel true to the series.
For example, the 'Live Dismemberment' mod would work great with this, but the ability to increase the likelihood of a dismemberment as you level up rather than having to reinstall the mod and change the option would be great.
Likewise there are bald hairstyle mods out there, so another interesting addition would be if the character could transition from their starting hairstyle through the various vanilla 'balding' hairstyles (obviously in an order as to suggest they are getting progressively more bald) before finally winding up with a completely 'chrome dome' bald hairstyle from one of the various mods to add such a style.

Thanks to anyone who read through this, if you are a non-modder who has done so, feel free to leave any suggestions you may have.

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