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[LE] Lighting Scripts Bug

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I'm looking for a little help with anyone willing to download a mod and have a look at it in the Creation Kit.


The mod in question is this one:




TL;DR this mod is both a player home and quest to bring Snow Elves to Skyrim via cures. It's got a lot of scripting to get the job done, and this is *not* my strong point. The cure process is patchy at best but usually works; the bizarre issue I'm actually having is with the lights in the main home.


The lights operate on a script like so:


- Controller X-markers

- Day, Dusk and Night Lighting set to the opposite of parent enabling X-marker

- Semi-customized script based on the default Skyrim lighting timed toggle script


The issue is that the lights seem to turn on okay--usually--but they don't turn off properly during the day. ALL lights seem to be on during the day--day, evening and night lights. The day lights (sunlight) usually turn off properly at dusk and turn on at dawn, but during the day, people are saying that it's way too bright. Screenshots that they've shown me seem to show all 3 lights on at once, which isn't... good, obviously.


I have checked and double-checked the scripts, links, etc and I can't find anything wrong. If anyone can find what's wrong I'd be greatly appreciative!

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