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[Dawnguard] [Vampire-Side] Unable to start certain "radiant" q


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Hi there! Sorry for the cropped topic title, no idea why "quests" was shortened to "q".



For the life of me, I simply cannot figure out what is going on here. I am unable to get the quest "The Gift" to start, as well as the one regarding the amulets (I've done the one for the two rings). I've completed the storyline of Dawnguard, and probably done close to 30-50 or so of the radiant quests total... so I think I have done enough to see these two quests pop up.


- I do not have the global value for either quests "DoOnce" set to 1.

- Character's spouse is not anyone from the companions. (I looked in the Quest data, only Farkas, Aela, and Vilkas are prevented from the quest starting) The spouse is Jenassa, but I have also tried Athis.

- I tried adding the faction which allows the NPC to be made into a vampire by the player to both Jenassa and Athis (when married to).



Does anyone know if it is possible to force-start a radiant quest? I have tried, but to no avail. I'm also open to any other ideas for what I could try to get this to work.



Thanks! :)

Edited by evan12
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