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Crashing to desktop after installing Dawnguard and or the latest patch


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My installation of Skyrim was over 6 months old, Had numerous different saves and everything was working fine. No stuttering or CTD's. Had auto patching turned off.

Installed Dawnguard dlc and it auto patched to

- Couldn't play any of my old saves.

- Couldn't start a new game as would crash at different stages before leaving Helgen.

- Downloaded a couple of different save from the net. Would CTD as soon as entered or exited a building, slept, died etc.


Complete re-install {always auto patched to latest} (no mods) twice, same problem.



HighRes TexturePack01.bsa

HighRes TexturePack01.esp

HighRes TexturePack02.bsa

HighRes TexturePack02.esp


Game worked perfectly, No ctd's

Installed some mods, No ctd's


Finished Dawnguard, No ctd's

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I removed the free high Res texture DLC because it added a additional 20 second load from each cell or travel, only thing I see is blockie faces but it's not game breaking and only noticeable during pause or none movement looking at someone!.. Edited by sinnerman69
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