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Okay so I know I'm going to probably end up looking like a fool, but I'm trying to modify the existing races to use various skins, muscular orcs, trim wood elves, basically trying to make races fit better, instead of every race having the same type of body, the trouble I'm having is that I want to use resources from other people's mod, personal use, not going to publish or anything. I can't seem to figure out how to get anything useful out of these mods using only Creation Kit, specifically attempting to change individual race skeletons and skins, it ask for EGT files, which I don't know how to get out of the Mods.


Any help would be greatly appreciated as I can't really find anything in Google about this type of thing.

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I was looking into this earlier and it seems like egt files are leftover from the creation process of slyrim and don't exist anymore. I dont think they actually matter because every race in game uses the same egt file from imperials to chickens. I dont think that the egt file matters ,but leave it there dont take it out.
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