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ReferenceAlias Script working with Debug.notification(), but not witho


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I created a Quest, and created a ReferenceAlias that points to the player. I then attached a script to the ReferenceAlias that goes something like this:


Scriptname SkyRealismScript extends ReferenceAlias  

Event OnInit()
; Update every 10 minutes of game time.
Debug.Notification("Mod Activated")
RegisterForUpdateGameTime( 1.0 / 6.0 ) 

Event OnUpdateGameTime()
; Do Something Interesting.


Now, the problem is that when the Debug.Notification() line is included, the mod works exactly as it should...performing all calculations as I want it to. However, when the Debug line is removed, the mod simply stops working.


Can anyone explain why this happens, and how to prevent it?

Edited by IndigoNeko
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