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Videocard goes nuts while viewing inventory.


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Hey there :)


Ever since I started playing Skyrim, I've had a slightly nagging problem with my video card (NVidia GeForce GTX 275); whenever I open up inventory to browse, the air fan on the card cranks up quite a bit. While I believe the card can handle it just fine, in the back of my head I still kinda worry that it could burn out (this only happens when I play Skyrim and browse the inventory). It's very noisy.


No doubt, something unintentional is going on to warrent such an amount of graphics calculations in the inventory.

Have anyone experienced similar problems?

Is there a mod or something else to fix this?


Thankyou for your time :)


(On a footnote, I've recently joined Nexus to get SkyUI, Categorized Favorites Menu and Enhanced Blood Texture. It has not made a difference for better or worse on this issue, though).

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