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Blankface the murderer of your dreams.


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Now, We all get the urge to play as a murderous psychopath at one point, Am I correct?


Here's the story so far.


He stalks the night like tales of the old world. Conducting his murders without a noise to be heard. Blankface the monster of your dreams.


The idea was a mod where you could play as a murderous psychopath who conducts his murders at night (When characters are sleeping or are alone in the night.) He appeard unexpectadly at Goodsprings, Chet saw a man with no face that was wearing a tuxedo faintly by the gas station while he was on his shops porch. He went inside that night thinking he was just hallucinating. He was never seen again.


The idea was a man affected by the FEV carrying out his murders like the Slenderman. The FEV basically altered his body making him leaner as well as losing his face leaving a blank head and making him inhumanly silent. I thought it would be interesting to PLAY as the "Slenderman" (Not sure what to call him) leaving a trail of disappearances.


Comment on what you think


Ps. I have 0% experience with the GECK so maybe I could just come up with ideas.

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