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I cannot stop enemies spawning inside the Castle Volkihar Cathedral.


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I am trying to make a mod that spruces up Castle Volkihar, and I am starting with the Cathedral as it's the smallest room. I've deleted all the unnecessary markers/triggers/traps/etc as well as the rubble, piles of bones and the pieces of broken railing so the place looks really neat and tidy. But now that I've done all that, the skeletons and gargoyles that spawn during the fight with Harkon spawn when I go into the room, but they shouldn't be doing that as I've deleted all non-essential parts of the room and I've already killed harkon in my game. I'm kinda new to this, and I've got no idea where to find the enemies that are spawning so I can delete them, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


P.S. If a coder is willing to help out with all the AI stuff and so on that'd be sweet, I'd obviously give credit and such if somebody does indeed want to help.

Edited by Doozerpindan
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I can help in no way whatsoever, unfortunately.


What I can do, however, is say that I'd seriously look forward to a Volkihar revision mod. I love the look and feel of the place, but post-ending (Vampire), it's depressingly boring.


Best of luck!

Edited by Mazuffxi
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