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Dynavision stopped working


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I just recently found out about Gopher's Mod Clinic vids and tried most of it. I got Project Nevada running, the aHUD, oHUD and the Recon Armor stuff, night vision and the whole thing. It works perfectly. I started playing around with Imaginator, Cinematech and Director's Chair. I noticed that they recommended Dynavision and I've seen Gopher use this on his mod clinic vids. So I get it to work and everything was fine. Even followed the suggestions on load orders since I have Electro City Lighting the Wasteland as well.


Dynavision was working perfectly until today when I noticed that the blurs weren't working in the game. Dynavision stopped working even though I tried fiddling with the settings on the pipboy. I even tried to Deactivate/Activate the mods just to make sure. The only thing I did that I think messed stuffed up was using the BOSS sorter to sort my mods. Other than that I added a few mods that I don't think doesn't have anything to do with the problem (New Vegas Redesigned 2, AK47, the Weapon Mod Menu and the Type 3 / Type6M body and equipment replacers).


Right now I'm kinda stumped. I'm thinking of reinstalling FONV but that's gonna take a lot of work when I get my mods on it again. Any ideas?

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