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[LE] texture assigned to nif does't appear in game


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For what i understand you want Serana to use your modified armor, if so.

1) Copy the armor nif to a new folder inside meshes.

Name your folder.

2) Rename the nif.

3) Do the changes you desire and save.

4) Open CK and create a NEW ARMOR using your nif.

* Use your esp if you don't after you are done with all of this name - save your esp.

5) Find Serana in the actors - in the "Object Window".

6) Go to her inventory and remove her armor and add to the inventory your NEW created armor.

7) Save and you are done.

* If you are using custom made textures you need to make a folder and place them inside your folder that will be placed in the data/textures.

* Be sure that your esp is checked in your mod manager.


Without esp

Find armor > copy nif to an other folder > make your changed > save changes > overwrite the original nif (place the nif in the original folder location)

* this requires that you are using vanilla textures.

Edited by maxarturo
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Firstly - thanks for reply.

I just wanted to make a replacer with a breast gap cover, for what I used original mesh, without any change, accept assigning new texture to open skin part (highlighted on left part of screenshot), which is basically female skin texture with textile patch on breast part.

And that's all, I leave the rest of a mesh untagged.

I did similar kind of things many times and Im not new in modding, but on that,I kinda stambled, so I posted here maybe I'll be lucky and someone here faced the same an figure out somehow.

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So you altered the vanilla nif then added your created texture to texture directory? No changes to the name of the nif?

Correct, editing alpha channel of original cloth texture(not the one added by me), shows visible effect in game, what proves that.

As you may see on picture, there's only one texture reassigned (which is highlighted) and that it, no other changes at all.

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To alter original nifs, you have to unpack your mesh bsa, edit, then repack it with the edit you made and that will change every instance of this armor in the game (if it's going to remain in the original bsa directory). Or you have to duplicate the nif, edit it, then place the nif loose in your mesh directory. Do you see the edit you made in the CK?

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To alter original nifs, you have to unpack your mesh bsa, edit, then repack it with the edit you made and that will change every instance of this armor in the game (if it's going to remain in the original bsa directory). Or you have to duplicate the nif, edit it, then place the nif loose in your mesh directory. Do you see the edit you made in the CK?

I did nothing with CK, I'm always using loosefiles and it works, except this particular part of this particular mesh..maybe I was not clear in explaination so this exactly what I did in steps:

1. Unpack files(both ..._0 &.._1) into original folder, using BSABrowser

2. Open in NifScope

3. Highlight ''breast gap'' part

4. Choose texture assign image (flower kinda)

5. Assign the same texture (which was preveously unpacked, using method I mentioned above), but with a patch of tissue, placed exactly on the area, where was the bare part before.

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When you go into the game to look, are you using a saved game? If so, that may be why you are not seeing the change. Try using the console and coc from main menu.

I tried that:

1. coc from main menu

2. add armor through console

3. sexchange to have a look

Result the same

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