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How to delete unused spells?


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When my character still stupid in casting spell, i created / bought a really cheap magica using spells (this mean the effect isn't fabulous either :biggrin: ). So i could cast them over n over while i'm walking around (some sort of training i guess hehe, i just don't want to cheat on my stats). But now when my char. is already on the top level, i don't need those cheap spells anymore.

Can i delete them? If i want to use a command (like dropitem), i must know the item ID, so i guess spell also have an ID. But it is easy to see object's ID in the world, just open the console n click them, the ID will be shown at the top of the screen along with it's name. But i can't click something in the inventory (items or spells), so how can i remove them?



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When my character still stupid in casting spell, i created / bought a really cheap magica using spells (this mean the effect isn't fabulous either :biggrin: ). So i could cast them over n over while i'm walking around (some sort of training i guess hehe, i just don't want to cheat on my stats). But now when my char. is already on the top level, i don't need those cheap spells anymore.

Can i delete them? If i want to use a command (like dropitem), i must know the item ID, so i guess spell also have an ID. But it is easy to see object's ID in the world, just open the console n click them, the ID will be shown at the top of the screen along with it's name. But i can't click something in the inventory (items or spells), so how can i remove them?




I use the Expanded Hotkeys and Spell Delete mod. It has quite a few nice features, (tripling your hotkeys, equip4 sets of armor and clothing with hotkey combo, and deleting those useless spells.

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Your other option, should you prefer to not install another new mod, would require some detective work in the CS to find the ref# for the spell, maybe some experimentation to determine the LoadOrder prefix for the spell (if it's added by a mod), and use of the console command "player.removespell <spellID#>" followed by saving your newly-modified game. Saves prior to the edit will still have the spell in inventory.


Your choice; myrmaad's method is a lot less technical, just as effective, and you can choose to disable or remove the mod she suggests afterwards if you decide you don't like it.

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Another option you might consider is going to Kivan's "Baldurdash" website, and downloading his "Encyclopaedia Cyrodillica" mod.


It is a collection of zero-weight scrolls for sale in the First Edition bookstore. The scrolls have the Item Numbers & Ref IDs for almost everything in the game - except SI items.


The advantage is you can have these scrolls on-screen and use the Console at the same time. There is a scroll that has all of the ID Numbers for the Oblivion spells. You can have this scroll on-screen, then type in the command player.removespell <Form ID>.


Download Link: Encyclopaedia Cyrodillica It's near the bottom of the webpage.

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