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horse combat camera


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hey everyone, I've never posted anything here before but i recently started playing skyrim again and was excited for the mounted combat (which i know came out a little while ago, i've just been a little busy) but i couldn't help but be disappointed.


i think it would be helpful if the horse instead of following the mouse was more like oblivion (if i remember correctly). instead of the horse going where ever you point the mouse it would make archery on horse back much easier and more fun to have the horse continuing to go straight while you look and aim elsewhere. since you can control how the horse moves using both the directional control keys and the mouse i think the horse would be more versatile if the mouse did not control where the horse went.


i've started looking through the ini file but havent found anything that has made this happen. if anyone know where to look or what to look for and/or would like to help i would be very glad to have the help.


also if someone else has already brought this topic up i apologize for bringing it up again.

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