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What the hell happened?


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So I was going towards a mission for the companions (after Im harbinger) and then i saw aela and some other girl and who else?.....Skjor!! his dead body is wandering about in a dead pose so only the top half is above the ground! Even weirder I can talk to him! can somebody please explain. :wallbash: :confused:
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gothicrazy666, its a known common bug, has he called you a 'whelp' again yet? lol.

Sometimes Skjor will still be in the main hall of Jorrvaskr even after finishing The Silver Hand.

Sometimes Skjor can be found wandering Skyrim while half-buried in the ground after finishing The Silver Hand.



i'm not sure if its a good idea to use console commands to try delete him from the game, doing this may screw up the

remaining quest scripts, might be best to just ignore him until you're finished the Companions primary quests i guess.

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