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Help in finding a Wall Doorway Objeect for a Secret Door


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In the Ck there is a door named SSecretJailDoor01 that was apparently never used in game.This is a working door that opens in the middle, resembling a stone wall, completely different from the Riften Jail secret door.


I am unable to find the related door frame wall section for this door, has anyone seen it and know the name to the wall piece?

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I found where it was supposed to go, in the Solitude Jail, but they used a collapsing wall animation instead. (smdfceljail02 and SldJailWallCollapse01) The hole for the doorway is close to the shape of the SSecretJailDoor01, but is a little wider, so it's obvious something is there. I think I can edit the hole so the door fits, but the collapsing wall gives me Ideas too.


I wish the game producers has enforced the file naming conventions better, as the Solitude's designers did not follow the same type of naming as the rest of the Skyrim objects.

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