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Player Unequips Items After Transforming Into A Vampire Lord


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Hello everyone! You know how when you body transforms into a monstrous shape that your clothes don't really fit well anymore? Well, I would like a mod based around this concept for vampire lords.


What I'm looking for is something causes all your items to unequip your items when you transform into a vampire lord, such that when you return to your normal form, you have nothing on - no weapons, no clothes, ect. I feel this is more immersive than coming out of your supernatural-creature form without so much as a wrinkle in your blouse.


The idea for this came from a bug that my boyfriend experienced in his game, wherein all his items were removed whenever he transformed into a vampire lord. However, this "bug" somehow fixed itself when he updated his mods, and is gone now. He would like it back, and I want it for myself too! Haha! We know it's possible, we just lack the know-how to create it.


Thanks in advance for any interest! :) I would really appreciate it if someone could help us out.

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