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Japanese subs and texts??


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Is there a mod that makes english subs translated to Japanese? I'm studying Japanese so, i think i may learn some stuff if the oblivion subs are Japanese!! Thanks!!!


Here is a link to the web site where you can get the mod that makes English subtitles to Japanese. Many Japanese players use it.



However, the mod seems to require some specific processes to be done properly, which is described in the above page. I have never tried the mod, myself because of the same reason as yours (I want to study English), so I can not explain specifically what the processes of the mod is like, but the first sight made me understand that it would need some amount of knowledge about installing mods. Good luck. Also, I hear the mod has been being improved due to some mistranslations, some of which I also found before through other players' screenshots. Although there is no problem with most of the mistranslations in just playing the game, but I would recommend you to compare its subtitles and the original one carefully just in case if you are "studying" Japanese.


Hope this helps



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Is there a mod that makes english subs translated to Japanese? I'm studying Japanese so, i think i may learn some stuff if the oblivion subs are Japanese!! Thanks!!!

Unless you already have a firm understanding of the writing and grammatical structure, such a mod probably won't do you a whole heck of alot of good. The reason for this being that you would be reading one language and hearing another, and as hearing is likely the easier of the two to do reliably, so chances are that unless you are already very familiar with the language you will eventually get lazy and stop trying to match words to translated sound.


In all honesty, you would probably be better off trying to find something which is spoken in japanese but has english subtitles. That way you are hearing the language, but are left with the task of reading it to understand. And because most people have a tendency toward being lazy, your mind eventually starts connecting the two automatically just to save on what needs to be read. While such methods still require formal teaching, it can aid in better understanding the language and increasing one's vocabulary.


If you're trying to work on your ability to read and recognize hiragana or kanji, you're pretty much left with few options with manga aimed at younger audiences as probably being your best bet (since use of kanji is less common, and usually has smaller characters to provide the pronounciation). Unfortunately many japanese websites tend to have quite a bit of kanji, which can make it difficult for those who do not already know most of them.


As far as doing anything with oblivion goes, it really isn't too practical.

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As someone who was studying Japanese a while back myself, I'd have to agree with Vagrant.


But I doubt there is a voice over in Japanese. You can try it, it will definitely help when it comes to kanji and word order as well as frequently used phrases for the similar phrases in English. Most likely it will not be a literal translation, but if you know enough Japanese it could definitely be useful. The phrases you hear over and over again such as "Speak. Alright, I'm listening. Stop! You violated the law!" will be wired into you (as someone who used to use the spanish subtitles). If you enjoy oblivion, then really there is no harm (other than mod compatibility) in having subtitles, whatever the language. It just won't be very efficient.


As a beginner I would suggest a game where it pauses for you to press a button with no translation and use a dictionary to get through the game. I did that with a simple Nintendogs game and it really helped! I looked online as well for the phrases used. Once you find a word enough eventually you won't need to look it up anymore. It's fun practice, and I really believe in doing as much as you can in another language if you want to learning.

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Thanks for the replies guys, as for the learning stuff, I've been studying for a while now, what I'm aiming for is to get used to reading kanji and having to see the symbols on a regular basis, thats what I'm looking for in the mods. I tried reading mangas but its tedious to because I have to look for the kanji meaning from a chart, it would be much better to actually see the symbol in the subs and hear the english VO, that way I can figure out the kanji quicker than skimming through kanji charts. I'm gonna try the link you guys gave and i'll see how it goes, Thanks!!!
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Thanks for the replies guys, as for the learning stuff, I've been studying for a while now, what I'm aiming for is to get used to reading kanji and having to see the symbols on a regular basis, thats what I'm looking for in the mods. I tried reading mangas but its tedious to because I have to look for the kanji meaning from a chart, it would be much better to actually see the symbol in the subs and hear the english VO, that way I can figure out the kanji quicker than skimming through kanji charts. I'm gonna try the link you guys gave and i'll see how it goes, Thanks!!!

With kanji, you pretty much just have to take them one at a time memorizing them. As many of them are pictographical, you can remember quite a few of them by breaking them into their parts and assigning meaning based on those parts. Just like the kanji for learning 学 contains the kanji for child 子, the kanji for right 右(as in direction) contains the kanji for mouth 口(in most countries you eat with your right hand, and wipe with the left... 左). While these are rather simple examples, it can be applied to some of the more complicated kanji.

帰 the kanji for return contains parts of the the kanji for city 市 as well as some katakana. Rather than use a game, you may be best off just making some flash cards, and taking 15-20 minutes a day just quizzing yourself.

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