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FNV Small UI Bug


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Hello all,
After recently uninstalling a mod or two, I now have a small UI bug right near my AP bar. It looks like a bunch of letters and symbols. If anyone has suggestions or just a basic UI fix recommendation, let me hear 'em. I have also attached a screenshot of my mod list (very small).

Thank you!


Update: I managed to fix it, and since I am very new to this site I'm not sure if I can take down this topic, perhaps I'm just a Falmer but I looked a good bit for a way to remove it.

Edited by Shokutup
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Below your "AP" bar, is your "weapon condition" ("CND") followed by a graphic showing how degraded the weapon condition is. The "neck" is the point at which the condition has dropped to the point where it will impact weapon performance (jams, breakdown, etc). You want to repai the weapon before it gets onto the "slope" of the neck.


The number (29 in the image) is a count of some currently selected munition (possibly missiles, rockets; most often hand grenades).


If neither of those are what you are referring to, open that image in a "paint" program such as PAINT.NET and "mark it up" by placing a box or ellipse around the part that bothers you.


These are standard game UI components once you have something in your inventory that they apply towards.



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