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[LE] Turn around during dialogue

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I am trying to make a script fragment that turns the player character around during dialogue, but the only way I've found to do this, SetAngle, always exits dialogue. Does anyone know a simple way to do this? Any help would be appreciated.

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Sorry, I've never used packages before. How would you set one up to orient the player to look behind them without being in a specific spot? Would I have to spawn a marker behind them? Thanks for the help.


Depends on your specific use case. I was picturing some kind of one-off quest-related dialogue that would occur in a known location. You'd place a marker, put it in a quest alias, put the player in a quest alias, and then make a package that belongs to that quest (and therefore can use the alias info) that tells the player to walk over and orient themselves to it. You could use scripting to move the marker to the player and set the orientation as desired as well.

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The use case is speaking to a type of NPC rather than a specific one, so it would not be a specific location, and it's repeatable, as well. Also, having the player move to the marker seems like it would exit the dialogue, based on my prior experience.


Is this just something the game can't do?

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