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WIP Mod I.T.E.M.


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Me and my modding team are currently working in a mod called I.T.E.M.- Item and Trading Expansion Mod- and we want to now what weapons, armors,food items and recipes, misc, just pretty much anything.

If we think that it would be nice in Skyrim we might give it a go! Especialy if it is related to Skyrim's creatures, guilds and factions! :)

You can also join our team if you have the modding skills.

We are in need for textures, modellers, coders,voice actors, writters or just anyone who can help us.

You can also contribute by giving us ideas for quests and\or stories based on The Elders Scrolls' lore or not.

And please send us links so we can get our inspiration(if possible).


Thank's for reading!

Edited by Sk0rpio
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I think just in general expanding the different types of food would be cool.


I am sure that the people of Skyrim have at least a little variety in the food they eat.


Maybe different cities could have a different style of food.


For example:

Solitude: Seafood

Whiterun: Country Cooking

Riften: Cheap food - not exquisite

Markarth - Big amounts of food


I think adding things like rice and other basic food would be pretty cool.

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