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removeitem problems


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So im making a spell that costs a certain item to cast. I have everything i want to do working mostly except for the removeitem fucntion in my script. Right now i can remove the item using game.getForm() but i would rather pass the information through using a form variable i create. problem is i dont know how to attach a property to a form object which tells it what item in the inventory to remove. Can anybody help?
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You only have to make a form property and then fill it with the item type you want to remove:



Form Property ItemTORemove auto


Then, you can call it in the RemoveItem function:



Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(ItemToRemove, 1)



Edit: Scratch the above, Form property will not work. Instead use a property depending on Item type, i.e. MiscObject or Weapon.

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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